Travel App Development

This university project was about sustainable thinking and acting. It was about the question, how an app might help us understand connections between our actions and impacts for the present and future, and how it helps us keep our good resolutions. Based on these considerations, an innovative concept and screen design for smartphone and smartwatch were developed and prototypically implemented by my project team and me. The result was called inSIGHTer - a travel app that promotes the Role of Tourism in achieving the SDG. 

inSIGHTer is designed to give users a playful approach to the topic of sustainability when traveling. During their trip, alternative spots are to be discovered and explored locally. The user will be rewarded for this route with unique coins. The more coins the user collects from the inSIGHTs, the higher vouchers can be earned over time.

The mission of inSIGHTer is to cooperate with cities worldwide that are committed to improving the livelihoods of local communities. It is an initiative that points out sustainable alternatives at worldwide travel destinations and thus promotes the role of tourism in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in view of the 2030 Agenda.


In addition to the collaborative concept research, it was my part to come up with the Business Model and develop the Stylesheet to provide my team with a framework that helped us elaborate the final prototype. I was also responsible for creating approachable copy for a target audience for whom sustainability in travel is rather unimportant. The challenge was to convey the core message on a level that was not immediately obvious.

Functional App Highlights:

Setup - Tutorial and enabling GPS

Homescreen - Main navigation with eye (collection, camera and profile), binoculars (exploring inSIGHTs) and map with inSIGHTs

Functional App Highlight:

Map - An overview of nearby inSIGHTs

Explore - Search and filter the available inSIGHTs to your needs, get individual information and navigate to your favorites

Functional App Highlights:

Camera - AR Scanner and Password

Victory Screen - Collecting coins at each inSIGHT you visit

Collection - List of all collected coins

Success - Earning vouchers

Functional App Highlight:

Account - Individualize your profile, keep track on your achievements and manage your notifications and other system settings according to your preferences

Error Message: Location Error - No inSIGHTs at current travel destination available yet

Error Message:  Network Error - No internet connection available at present

Error Message:  Scanner Error - No Logo available to claim coin at partnering inSIGHT

Notification: Motivating messages about progress with subliminal reference to sustainable action

Client: University Project for UNESCO (fictional)
Skills: SDG, Screen Design, Copy, Human-Centered Design, Gamification

Doe in Boots Design

© 2018-2023 Tina Rehschuh. All rights reserved. Imprint. Privacy Policy.

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